The book of EnochSection X

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CHAP. 60.—


1. In the year five-hundred, and in the seventh month, on the fourteenth day of the month, of the life of Enoch. In that Parable I saw that the heaven of heavens shook tremendously, and the host of the Most High, and the angels, a thousand times thousand, and ten thousand times ten thousand, were disturbed exceedingly.

2. And then I saw the Head of days sitting upon the throne of his glory, and the angels and the just ones stood around him.

3. And a great trembling took hold of me, and fear seized me; my loins were bent and were loosened, and my whole being melted together, and I fell down on my face.

4. And the holy Michael sent another holy angel, one of the holy angels, and he raised me up. And as he raised me my spirit returned, for I had not been able to endure the sight of this host and of that trembling and shaking of heaven.

5. And the holy Michael said to me: “On account of what vision is such trembling Up to to-day was the day of his mercy, and he was merciful and slow to anger over those who dwell on the earth.

6. But when the day and the power and the punishments and judgments come, which the Lord of the spirits has prepared for those who bow to the judgment of justice, and for those who deny the judgment of justice, and for those who take his name in vain—that day has been prepared a covenant for the chosen, and a test for the sinners.

7. And on that day two monsters will be distributed, a female monster, named Leviathan, to dwell in the depth of the sea, over the fountains of the waters.

8. But the masculine is named Behemoth, who occupies, with his breast, a void desert called Dêndin, in the east of the garden where the chosen and holy will dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first of men whom the Lord of the spirits made.

9. And I asked that other angel that he should show me the power of those monsters, how they were separated on ONE day, and that one descended into the depths of the sea and the other to the desert land.

10. And he said to me: “Thou son of man, thou desirest to know here that which is a secret.”

11. Then the other angel, who went with me, spoke to me, and showed me that which was secret, the first and the last, what is in the heavens on high, and in the earth in the deep, and on the ends of the heavens, and on the foundations of heaven, and in the repositories of the winds;

12. and how the spirits are divided, and how weighing is done, and how the fountains and the winds are counted according to the power of the spirit, and the power of the lights of the moon, and that is it a power of justice, and the divisions of the stars according to their names, and how each division is divided;

13. and peals of thunder according to the places where they fall, and all the divisions that are made among the flashes of lightning that lightning may take place, and their hosts obey.

14. For the thunder has places of rest for the awaiting of its peal, and thunder and lightning are inseparable, and although not one, both go together through the spirit and are not separated.

15. For when the lightning flashes, the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit causes a rest during the flash, and divides equally between them, for the treasury of their flashes is like the sand; and each one of them, in its flash, is held with a bridle, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and is pushed forward, according to the number of the directions on the earth.

16. And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong, and according to the strength of his power, he draws it [i.e. the sea] back with a bridle, and in like manner it is pushed forward, and scattered in all the mountains of the earth.

17. And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel, and the spirit of hail is a good angel.

18. And he has left go the spirit of the snow on account of its strength, and it has a special spirit, and that which ascends from it is like smoke, and its name is frost.

19. And the spirit of the fog is not joined with them in their repositories, but it has a special repository, for its course is in clearness and in light and in darkness and in winter and in summer, and its repository is the light, and it [i.e. the spirit] is its angel.

20. And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling-place at the ends of the heaven, and is connected with the repositories of the rain, and its course is in winter and in summer; and its clouds and the clouds of the fog are connected, and one gives to the other.

21. And when the spirit of rain moves out of its repository the angels come and open the repository, and lead it out, and when it is scattered over all the earth, and also as often as it is joined to the waters of the earth.

22. For the waters are for those who live on the earth; for they are the nourishment for the earth from the Most High, who is in heaven; therefore rain has its measure, and angels receive it.

23. All these things I saw towards the garden of the just.

24. And the angel of peace, who was with me, said to me: “These two monsters are prepared to be fed, according to the greatness of God, that the punishments from God be not in vain, and sons will be killed with their mothers, and children with their fathers.

25. When the punishments from the Lord of the spirits shall rest over them it will rest, so that the punishments from the Lord of the spirits may not come in vain over those; after that there will be a judgment in his mercy and his patience.”

CHAP. 61.—

1. And I saw in those days that long cords were given to those angels, and they took to themselves wings, and flew, and went towards the north.

2. And I asked the angel, saying: “Why have these taken the long cords, and have gone away” And he said to me: “They went out to measure.”

3. And the angel, who went with me, said to me: “These bring the measures of the just and the ropes of the just, that they may support themselves on the name of the Lord of the spirits to all eternity.

4. And the chosen will begin and dwell with the chosen, and these measures will be given to faith [fidelity], and will strengthen the word of justice.

5. And these measures will reveal all the secrets of the depths of the earth, and those who have been destroyed by the desert, and those who have been devoured by the fish of the sea, and by the beasts, that they return and support themselves on the day of the Chosen One, for none will be destroyed before the Lord of the spirits, and none can be destroyed.

6. And then received a command all who dwell in the heights of heaven, and ONE power, and ONE voice, and ONE light, like the fire, was given to them.

7. And that one first they blessed and exalted and glorified with wisdom, and showed themselves wise in speech and in the spirit of life.

8. And the Lord of the spirits placed his Chosen One on the throne of his glory, and he will judge all the deeds of the holy ones in high heaven, and will weigh their deeds on scales.

9. And when he shall raise his countenance to judge their paths that are secret by the word of the name of the Lord of the spirits, and their path in the way of the just judgment of the highest God, then they will all speak with ONE voice, and bless, and praise, and exalt, and glorify the name of the Lord of the spirits.

10. And then will cry out all the host of the heavens, and all the holy ones above, and the host of God, Cherubim and Seraphim and Ophanim, and all the angels of power, and all the angels of supremacies, and the Chosen One, and the other powers on the earth, above the water, on that day;

11. and will raise ONE voice, and will bless, and glorify, and praise, and exalt, in the spirit of faith [fidelity], and in the spirit of wisdom and of patience, and in the spirit of mercy, and in the spirit of judgment and of peace, and in the spirit of goodness, and will all say with ONE voice; ‘Blessed is he, and blessed be the name of the Lord of the spirits, in eternity, and to eternity.’

12. And all who do not sleep in high heavens will bless him; all his holy ones, who are in heaven, will bless him, and all the chosen, who dwell in the garden of life, and every spirit of light, who is able to bless, and glorify, and exalt, and say: ‘Holy,’ to thy sacred name, and all flesh, which will exceedingly praise and bless thy name to all eternity.

13. For great is the mercy of the Lord of the spirits, and he is slow to anger, and all his doing, and all his power, as much as he has made, he has revealed to the just and to the chosen, in the name of the Lord of the spirits.

CHAP. 62.—

1. And thus the Lord commanded the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who dwell on the earth, and said; “Open your eyes, and lift up your horns, if ye are able to recognize the Chosen One.”

2. And the Lord of the spirits sat on the throne of his glory, and the spirit of justice was poured out over him, and the word of his mouth slew all the sinners and all the impious, and they were destroyed before his face.

3. Then will stand up on that day all the kings and the powerful and the exalted and those who hold the earth, and will see him and will know that he sits on the throne of his glory, and that the just are judged in justice before him, and that there is no word spoken in vain before him.

4. And pain will come over them, like a woman who is in travail, and to whom the birth is hard, when the son enters the mouth of the mother, and she has pain in giving birth.

5. And one portion of them will look upon the other, and will tremble and cast down their countenances, and pain will seize them, when they see this Son of the woman sitting on the throne of his glory.

6. And the powerful kings, and all who hold the earth, will honor, and bless, and exalt him who rules over all, who was hidden.

7. For formerly the Son of man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him before his power, and has revealed him to the chosen.

8. And the congregation of the holy and the chosen will be sown, and all the chosen will stand before him on that day.

9. And all the powerful kings and the exalted and they who rule the earth will fall before him upon their faces, and will worship and will hope in this Son of man, and will petition him and ask him for mercy.

10. And that Lord of the spirits will only press them, that they hasten to leave his presence and their countenances will be filled with shame, and darkness will be heaped upon their countenances.

11. And the angels of punishment will receive them to take vengeance on them, because they have abused his children and his chosen.

12. And they will be a spectacle for the just and for his chosen; they will rejoice over them, because the wrath of the Lord of the spirits rests upon them, and the sword of the Lord of the spirits is drunk with them.

13. And the just and chosen will be saved on that day, and will henceforth not see the face of the sinners and of the unjust.

14. And the Lord of the spirits will dwell over them, and they will dwell with this Son of man, and will eat and lie down and rise again with him to all eternity.

15. And the just and the chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will be clothed with the garments of life.

16. And these will be the garments of life before the Lord of the spirits; and your garments will not become old, and your glory will not decrease before the Lord of the spirits.

CHAP. 63.—

1. And in those days the powerful kings, who hold the earth, will petition the angels of punishment, to whom they are delivered, that they should give them a little rest, so that they could fall down and worship before the Lord of the spirits, and could acknowledge their sins before him.

2. And they will bless and glorify the Lord of the spirits, and will say: “Blessed is the Lord of the spirits, and the Lord of kings, the Lord of the powerful, and the Lord of the rulers, and the Lord of glory, and the Lord of wisdom, and every secret is clear.

3. And thy power is to all generations, and thy glory to all eternity: deep are thy secrets all and without number, and thy justice without reckoning.

4. Now we know that we should praise and bless the Lord of kings, and him who rules over all the kings.”

5. And they will say: “Who will give us rest, that we might praise and thank and bless him, and be believers before his glory

6. And now we long for a little rest, and do not find it; we are driven away, and do not receive it; the light has ceased before us, and darkness is our dwelling-place to all eternity.

7. For before him we have not believed, and have not honored the name of the Lord of the kings, and we have not praised the Lord in all his doing, and our hope was in the sceptre of our kingdom and in our glory.

8. And in the day of our trial and our trouble he did not save us, and we do not find rest to believe that our Lord is faithful in all his deeds and in all his judgments and his justice, and that his judgment does not respect persons.

9. And we shall disappear before his face on account of our deeds, and all our sins are counted in justice.”

10. Now they will say to them: “Our souls are satisfied with unjust goods, but it does not prevent our going to the flames of the pain of hell.”

11. And after that their countenances will be filled with darkness and shame before that Son of man, and they will be expelled from his presence, and a sword will dwell in their midst before his countenance.

12. And thus said the Lord of the spirits: “This is the ordinance and judgment of the mighty and the kings and the exalted and those who hold the earth before the Lord of the spirits.”

CHAP. 64.—

1. And I saw other faces in that place in secret.

2. I heard the voice of the angel saying: “These are the angels who descended from heaven upon the earth, and have revealed to the children of men that which was secret, and have led astray the sons of men that they committed sin.”
